The new Marshall team acknowledged that a modern LMS will play a critical role in achieving their strategic objectives. "We met with our leadership, our president, and our provost. And we had full conversations with our academic leaders, our deans, and some of the key personnel,” recalled Julia Spears. “And everyone thought, 'You know, this is the time.'”
With the backing of leadership and a refined vision for the learning technology space, Marshall University embarked on a holistic implementation of Blackboard® Learn Ultra.
The implementation team started by soliciting feedback from faculty and students on what they desired in a new LMS. Students called for consistency in accessing information and mobile device responsiveness. Faculty echoed those requirements, adding requests for flexibility in grading, embeddable content, and ease of use.

Early in the process, the institution formed a faculty advisor group with representatives from each college. The aim of the group was to provide transparency into administrative goals and timetables, as well as to demonstrate how and when support would be delivered. "The faculty knew that we were trying to listen," added Spears.
As the implementation process unfolded, Marshall offered a range of training opportunities for faculty, including an “Ultra Academy,”a standalone micro-credentialing program on content migration and technology tools provided by the university’s design center.
The transition to Learn Ultra started in April 2023, with superusers who volunteered to move their classes over and provide feedback. These early users celebrated Blackboard Learn Ultra’s innovative features, such as the streamlined interface, drag-and-drop content-building, and document view. They also noted “constant new releases” to the platform, which created positive momentum and excitement among other cohorts.
Marshall’s goal is to create a consistent learning environment, and have worked with the Anthology team on a plan to get 100% of faculty trained by August 2024. They’re also working with Anthology to ensure that Blackboard Learn Ultra complements their technology and campus needs, such as integrating with Microsoft® Teams.