Anthology Announces Winners of the 2022 Catalyst Awards
Program Honors Innovative Use of Technology in Support of Student Success for the Global Education Community
Boca Raton, Fla., June 23, 2022 – Anthology, a leading provider of education solutions that support the entire learner lifecycle, today announced the winners of the 2022 Catalyst Awards. Founded in 2005 by Blackboard and now open to all Anthology clients, the Catalyst Awards recognize and honor innovation and excellence in the combined company’s global community of practice, where millions of educators and learners work every day to push the boundaries of what is possible when leveraging technology. Winners are selected by a cross-functional team of Anthology experts and represent the very best in their field.
This year, 50 winners were chosen among a record number of nominees from institutions in 22 countries. Honorees will be recognized during Anthology Together, one of the world’s largest EdTech events, combining the best of Anthology and Blackboard’s annual conferences. Anthology Together will be held July 11-14 in Orlando, Florida.
“It’s an honor to recognize this year’s Catalyst Award winners for their commitment to using technology to enhance the learning experience and improve educational outcomes for all learners,” said Jim Milton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Anthology. “This year’s recipients demonstrate excellence in innovation and are key drivers of student success across the global education community.”
Below are the winners, listed by category:
Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness: This award recognizes institutions that have successfully grown in their assessment practices and influenced positive behavioral changes using Anthology solutions.
- Capital University, United States: Dr. Linda G. Wolf and Dr. Jens Hemmingsen
- Danville Community College, United States: Cory Potter – Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Research; Justin Nichols – Research Analyst and Assessment Coordinator; Mark Rutledge – Information Systems Specialist; and Tamela Adams – Online Student Coordinator
- Keiser University – Online Division, United States: Sherry Olsen, Marcel Laronde, Daniel DiStacio, Neha Prakash, and the Online Division’s General Education Assessment Team
- Universidad César Vallejo, Peru: Heraclio Campana, Yrene Chamorro, and Emerson Cajahuanca
- Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, A.C., Mexico: Institutional Effectiveness Office: José Antonio Llergo Victoria, Soraya Reyes Guerrero, Virginia Domínguez Rodríguez, Guadalupe Gutiérrez Sánchez, María Elena Lara Rodríguez, Norma Zavala Hernández, and Sandra Karina Camacho Márquez
- University of Tennessee-Knoxville, United States: Assessment Steering Committee: Dr. Heather Hartman, Dr. Denise Gardner, Dr. Melissa Brown, Dr. Noelia Pacheco Diaz, Dr. Virginia Stormer, Ashley Browning, Ashley Charsha, and Michael McFall
Community Engagement: This award recognizes institutions using Anthology solutions to foster a connection between school districts, institutions, educators, students and families that have improved student achievement and created a supportive learning environment.
- Saudi Electronic University, Saudi Arabia: College of Health Sciences: Dr. Mohammed Almohaithef, Dr. Salah Alshagrawi, and Dr. Bussma Bugis
- UniCesumar – Educação Presencial e a Distância, Brazil: Tiago Lorenzo Stachon and Mara Michela Silva Gomes
- Carolyn Ponce, United States
- University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia: Dr. Ali Alshammari and the Deanship of eLearning and Distance Education
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging: This award honors those institutions leveraging technology to foster diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging practices using Anthology solutions to ensure that their services are fully inclusive and supportive of all learners.
- Johns Hopkins University, United States: Ann Garrison Darrin and Dr. Hong Shaddy
- The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Dr. Tendai Charles
Institutional Advancement: This award recognizes institutions that have made significant changes to enhance the alumni and donor experience using Anthology solutions.
- Hampden-Sydney College, United States: The Office of College Advancement and the Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement
- KU Endowment, United States: KU Endowment Annual Giving and Communications & Donor Relations Teams: Kerry Glasgow – Annual Giving, Bridgett Walthall – Annual Giving, Victoria Sickinger – Communications & Donor Relations, and Michelle Keller – Communications & Donor Relations
- Mary Baldwin University, United States: Mary Baldwin University Advancement
- Spelman College, United States: Office of Annual Giving Team: Doris Pierce-Hardy (Lead), Erica Lamberson, Keisha Myco-Tant, and Simone Walls
- University of Pittsburgh, United States: University of Pittsburgh Division of Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement, Communications: Jennifer Greevy, Director of Communications, Alumni Giving & Engagement and April Johnston-Smith, Senior Writer/Project Manager. University of Pittsburgh Division of Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement, Digital Communications: Katlynn Resides, Director of Digital Communications. University of Pittsburgh Division of Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement, Alumni Relations: Cassandra Hayt, Director, Regional and Volunteer Engagement
Leading Change: This award is for institutions who are on the forefront of educational innovation. It recognizes those who have used Anthology solutions to implement transformational initiatives that generate change on campus and in their academic ecosystems.
- Botho University, Botswana: Blended and Distance Learning Campus Team
- Galileo Global Education Germany & Macromedia GmbH, Germany: Team LMS: Monika Felder, Tara Assadi, Phil-Marvin Müller, Leon Herrmann, and Elisabeth Sandow
- Northern Illinois University, United States: Learning Management System Review Task Force: Matthew Parks (co-chair), Jason Rhode (co-chair), Therese Arado, Nick Choban, Daniel Ihm, Stephanie Richter, and Susan Smith
- Qassim University, Saudi Arabia: Dr. Saad Aldawsari and the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education
- Saudi Electronic University, Saudi Arabia: Vice Presidency of Academic Affairs: Dr. Hazzaa Alshareef and Dr. Maha Helal
- Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru: Jorge Bossio, Silvana Balarezo, Juan Nazario, Jorge Cabrera, José Almeza, José Gil, José Martinez, Jessica Vlasica, Gabriela Alvarez, Gabriela Gonzales, Manuel Bazalar, Jorge Ramirez, Piero Uceda, Michael Zhou, Sergio Soto R., Roy Alarcon, Carlos Rivero, Isabel Arana, Cleofe Vergara, and Claudia Gonzales-Zuñiga
- University of Leeds, United Kingdom: Minerva Upgrade Project Team: Steven Montagu-Cairns, Paul Cave, Melanie Barrand, Adam Tuncay, Deborah Gibbs, Aysha Baig, Emma Sykes, Marcus Glen, Richard Graves, David Joseph, Roger McNally, Antony Wood, and staff throughout the Digital Education Service and IT at Leeds
Optimizing Student Experience: This award recognizes institutions leveraging technology to develop educational and administrative innovations that positively influence the total learner experience – outside and inside the classroom – and improve operational efficiency.
- Coppin State University, United States: The Visionaries: Dr. Ahmed El-Haggan, Dr. Sadie Gregory, Dr. Dionne Curbeam, Prasad Doddanna, Ashish Nunna, Ravi Settipalle, Melissa Rigby, Taha Mohammed, and Mohammed Ahmed
- Kennesaw State University, United States: Kennesaw State University Division of Student Affairs, Scrappy’s Bucket List: Jessica Duvall, Dr. Gloria Laureano, and Dr. Cara Ray
- University of Derby, United Kingdom: Digital Learning Team (Digital Solutions and Services)
- University of Pretoria, South Africa: Prof. Norman Duncan, Dr. Hestie Byles, Ms. Lerato Sethoga, Mr. Johan Slabbert, and Mr. Dolf Jordaan
- VIU – Universidad Internacional de Valencia, Spain: Pere Juanes, Jaime Yagüe, Paula Corcuera, Israel Bru, Alba Bonafont, and Alicia Aparisi
Student Success: This award recognizes institutions whose innovative use of Anthology solutions has led to increased retention, increased completion, or improved outcomes through the implementation of new academic and administrative resources, data analytics solutions, scalable advising and intervention strategies and student support programs.
- Keiser University – Online Division, United States: Sherry Olsen – Vice Chancellor Online Division, Marcel Laronde – Director of Instructional Design, and the Dean Team – Online Division
- University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India: Team Project GROW: Dr. Ritam Dutta and Pooja Khanna, School of Liberal Studies
- University of Pretoria, South Africa: Dr. Juan-Claude Lemmens, Prof. Gerrit Stols, Mr. Dolf Jordaan, Dr. Sanet Haupt, and Ms. Detken Scheepers
Teaching & Learning: This award recognizes institutions that have used Anthology solutions in innovative ways to advance learning.
- Eastern Kentucky University, United States: Dr. Steph McSpirit, Sam Williamson, and Mary Henson
- King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia: Prof. Fawaz Waselallah Alsaade, Dr. Ali Saeed Alzahrani, and Dr. Mosleh Hmoud Al-Adhaileh
- King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia: ELD Team
- Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao, Philippines: Dodjie S. Maestrecampo, Alejandro H. Ballado Jr., Lalaine Joan V. Alfeche, and Josef Mika-el M. del Corro
- Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Saudi Arabia: Norah Abdulaziz Alkathiry, Wafa Salah Aljufayr, and Abdullah Othman Alkhalaf
- Torrens University Australia, Australia: Product Innovation and Bachelor of Branded Fashion Academics Team: Jaki Walker, Nijel Ratonel, and Kaveh Tabar Heydar
- Universidad César Vallejo, Peru: Heraclio Campana, Lily Salazar, and Angelina Mariños
- University of Illinois Chicago, College of Dentistry, United States: Predoctoral Implant Program: Dr. Cortino Sukotjo, Dr. Judy Yuan, Dr. Fatemeh Afshari and Dr. Michael Spector
- University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India: Gaurav Misra, Sharmila Katre, Manisha Mohan, Pooja Khanna, Ritam Dutta, Rekha Verma, Bitopi Dutta, Annapurna Parige Leela Lakshmi, and Sakshi Chanana
- The University of Texas at El Paso, United States: Abha Singh
- University of the District of Columbia, United States: Center for the Advancement of Learning (CAL)
Training & Professional Development: This award recognizes institutions that display an organization-wide dedication to innovative training and development programs for their educators and staff.
- Augusta Technical College, United States: Ashley Strong-Green, Latina Jackson, Jaimie Carboy, Stacy Artis, Sarah Osborn, Karen Abraham, Miriam Holtzclaw, Sherrie Rowe, Elizabeth Kenkwo, Leah Bryant, Charles Barreras, Clifford Terrell, Valarie Chapman, Vicki Vandervelde, Pamela Hartle, Amy Laughter, Barbara Banning, Suzy Rynier, Shaista Tarannum, Stephanie Mooring, Leila Ellis-Nelson, Chukwuemeka Ikegwuonu, Cameron Bentley, and Mark Lariscy
- National Institute of Education, Singapore: Center for Innovation in Learning: Ms. Shamini Thilarajah, Ms. Renuka Nasendran, and Mr. Eric Bonneau
- Teesside University, United Kingdom: Digital Transformation (SLAR)
- The University of Texas at El Paso, United States: UTEP Technology Support
- The University of Toledo, United States: UToledo Online, University College: led by Dr. Barbara Kopp Miller, Dean; Justin Ballard, Director of UToledo Online; Dr. Melissa Gleckler, Associate Director of Help Desk and Educational Technology Support; and Dr. Mingli Xiao, Associate Director of Instructional Design and Development
- Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras: Dirección de Innovación Educativa y Desarrollo Docente: Anael Espinal, Sandra Flores, Carolina Membreño, Alessa Molina, Ana Moncada, Celeste Salinas, Cristina Zambrano, Jenny Manzano, Karen Chacón, Luis Herrera, Mario Ordóñez, and Norma Andino
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States: Dr. Mariann Hawken, Dr. Susan Biro, Dr. John Fritz, Dr. Tom Penniston, Dr. Peter Ariev, Mr. Collin Sullivan, Ms. Laura Wyatt, and Mr. Josh Abrams
For more information on the Catalyst Awards, full list of nominees, and complete category descriptions, please visit www.anthology.com/catalyst-awards.
Learn more about this year’s winners and their stories on our 2022 Winners Page.