Thoughtful, Thorough Solution Development
Anthology and GPTZero to Launch Beta Test with Select Blackboard Learn Clients
Artificial intelligence tools and their application continue to evolve. As with all new and transformational technology, Anthology evaluates how it can provide the most value to learners and the institutions that support those learners.
These evaluation initiatives are just one way we demonstrate our commitment to deliver the best products, services and solutions to meet the needs of the education community today and in the future.
One such example is our continued assessment of the benefits and potential limitations of algorithm-based plagiarism detection tools.
As part of this effort, we are launching a beta test program with GPTZero, an artificial intelligence detection tool.
Launching in May of 2023 to a volunteer group of Anthology's US-based Blackboard Learn clients, the beta test will allow instructors at these institutions to try GPTZero AI detection within Blackboard Learn’s originality reporting capability, SafeAssign. The feedback provided by participants will explore the usefulness of the tool, the accuracy and helpfulness of the risk indicators, and the ethical considerations of using an algorithm-based tool to identify academic integrity concerns.
Anthology’s Senior Director of Product Management & Strategy, Wade Weichel shared, “We see this as an opportunity to help educators through a transitional period in which instructional and assessment practices need to be adjusted to both respond to and embrace AI.” He continued, “There are layers of uncertainty about how to best approach this increasingly complicated topic, and we’re working closely with our legal team to ensure we introduce these new technologies carefully and ethically. The technology GPTZero makes available is a promising development. We’re excited to work with the GPTZero team and the beta test participants to learn more about how educational technology can support our clients – and by extension – the students they serve.”
“We believe that students should be allowed to explore and interact with generative AI technologies in an ethical and responsible way. Our tool is designed to be useful to educators without closing that door to students” said GPTZero Chief Executive Officer, Edward Tian. He continued, “We’re excited to learn more from the beta-test participants about how we can support and guide them through these advances in technology, while still embracing the possibilities of what generative AI can do for the betterment of education.”
This beta test represents one of the many ways Anthology is delving into this complex issue, and we’re excited to continue sharing our research and findings with the global education community.
Anthology will continue to provide ongoing research on the future of AI in education. We also encourage our clients to participate in the artificial intelligence forum in the Anthology Community Site where we address the issues of academic integrity while still embracing AI as a tool for learning and development.