December 19, 2022

Anthology Certifies ADA University as their first Center of Excellence in Digital Teaching and Learning

ADA University has become the first institution to be certified as an Anthology Center of Excellence (CoE) for Teaching and Learning. The university began the process in February 2021 and achieved certification in November 2022. The certification will set the institution up to be a regional leader, extending its digital best practices to other institutions across and beyond Azerbaijan.

The certification process follows four stages: assessment, establishment, certification and innovation. During the first two stages, ADA University engaged in a rigorous evaluation of its student learning experiences, technical deployment, leadership and strategy, and quality and innovation as they relate to digital learning & teaching. In partnership with the Anthology CoE consulting team, ADA developed a digital teaching and learning strategy, data governance and use guidelines, a series of faculty development micro-modules and an adoption plan for Anthology’s accessibility tool, Ally.

In the final ‘innovation’ phase, ADA University will serve as a regional lighthouse, providing nearby institutions with guidance on best practices. ADA has already begun this work, utilizing its DTLS certified facilitators to deliver the Digital Learning and Teaching Series to Baku State University.

ADA University Students and instructors are poised to benefit from the certification, with more formal professional learning for instructors across certificate and master programs, improved access to contemporary, high quality and digitally rich learning environments, programs that empower learners to develop digital competencies and professional skills required for their future careers and processes that ensure students’ their learning experiences are of the highest quality.